Holy Sabbath Candles

Welcome to the second post of this blog. Please say Tehillim 2. Below is a Facebook post I just saw.

Hi girls, join "I'm lighting my Shabbat candles 10 minutes earlier today" (18.27)
I think you've already heard this Rabbi's explanation 💓 but it's so current that I'm sharing it with you
*N* erot *C* hel *C* habat *K* odech, it forms the word *Nechek*: a weapon.
Hebrew looks better
Holy Sabbath candles = weapons
The best *weapon* the Rabbi tells us, are the Shabbat candles that Jewish women and little girls light.
*Just for this Shabat*, let’s light the candles and pray for all our brothers and sisters wherever they are.
If we lit already let's lit 10 min earlier
Better yet, let's encourage a friend, cousin, sister.. to light it up for them... Even if she tells you it doesn't make sense because she plans to use the phone or take the car after...
*a Mitsva remains a Mitsva*, regardless of the rest, and every Mitsva counts in Hashem's eyes, a Mitsva moves the heavens up there and creates something eternal (_Tanya)_. God's salvation in the blink of an eye
Shabbat shalom


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